Low Back Pain After a Car Accident: What You Should Know
Experiencing back pain after a car accident is more common than you might think, especially when it comes to low back pain.
Experiencing back pain after a car accident is more common than you might think, especially when it comes to low back pain.
Ligament laxity refers to the condition where the ligaments, the fibrous bands connecting bones at joints, are more flexible than usual.
A look at some soft tissue injuries and other common kinds of vehicle accident injuries suffered by drivers and passengers.
Whiplash Symptoms May Be Hard for Others to Understand A whiplash injury occurs when the head and neck (cervical spine) unexpectedly get whipped back and forth. In today’s world, this injury most commonly happens when hit from behind by a vehicle. If your whiplash symptoms linger, it may be hard for others to relate to…
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Should I Seek Medical Attention After a Car Accident Even if I Don’t Think I’m Hurt? Without question, there are several weighty medical, financial, legal, and emotional considerations at stake that require adequate attention immediately following an automobile accident. If you overlook any of these considerations after an accident, the mistake could be costly…
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